California Study: More Private Development Means Lower Rents

It’s red herring week here at Smart Growth Seattle and today we put the “building new market housing causes displacement” and “inclusionary zoning helps that problem” red herrings in the compost bin. The headline of the blog post summing up a California Legislative Analyst Office (LAO) study says it all: Want to Slow Displacement? Then Build […]

Where We’ve Been, Where We’re Going

Each year, as part of my annual report to our board, funders, and allies, I write a kind of State of Smart Growth introduction. It’s also intended to be encouragement for our sometimes beaten down side  of the growth, housing, and density argument — and for me who is the guy that does this all […]

Defining “Affordable”

I think the way we talk about affordability isn’t just sloppy it actually makes the problem worse. When we talk about what affordable means we need a better measure. I have an article in the September edition of the Master Builder Magazine that takes this topic up yet again. My original post on this was from […]