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What are you for?

We are for creating more housing of all types, in all neighborhoods, for all levels of income. We are for jobs. We are for opportunity. We are for change. We are for innovation. We are for progress. We are for growth! We are for jobs. We are for opportunity. We are for change. We are for innovation. We are for progress. We are for growth!


Does New “Stay at Home” Order Impact Housing?

I posted about Boston’s Mayor shutting down construction projects as non-essential during it’s lockdown. Washington Governor Jay Inslee’s proclamation issued Monday evening is a long list of jobs considered essential and thus allowed to continue working. It looks like housing construction and other related functions for operations are considered essential. Construction workers who support the […]

Details on Council Legislation Extending Eviction Ban

The details of Councilmember Lorena Gonzalez’ efforts to extend and expand the COVID-19 eviction ban have emerged. She’s proposed two pieces of legislation. Here’s a description of the first proposal extending the ban (full text here). Her legislation adds a defense to evictions if the tenant cannot pay rent because of the COVID-19 crisis, including […]

Our Response to Proposed Extension of COVID-19 Eviction Ban

Unfortunately a ban on evictions does nothing to help people who have lost income, and it is especially not helpful in the next 30 days when rent is coming due. What would help most is rent assistance. Longer term if people are encouraged not to pay rent, and a balance builds, they will have an […]