The Best of Seattle For Growth: The Inconvenient Truth About Workforce Housing

It was 2014, when microhousing and small-lot housing still existed. There was no Mandatory Housing Affordability. Low-rise zones were thriving with more apartments than townhomes. I was in the last week of my old job as a housing director at a non-profit. My last day was February 14th, Valentine’s day. I had left that full […]

Summer Reruns: Nothing But Flowers, What if We Had a Thoughtful Media?

The final episode of Summer Reruns with our fantasy theme is from a while back and was written in exasperation as some truly bad writing, editing, and reporting at the Seattle Times. Too often I think “reporters” are just eating a sandwich at their computer when they write their stories. Google searches, conventional wisdom, and […]

Summer Reruns: Nothing But Flowers, The Ideal Candidate

Another fantasy for Nothing But Flowers week. This one is from April 2017.  We have no great candidates running for office in Seattle today. But I have this fantasy of a candidacy for the rest of us; a candidacy for hard working people that are open minded, want fairness and justice, but are tired of traffic, […]