Full Disclosure on Rural Washington: Giving them Hell, or Telling the Truth?

I guess it is hopeless to try and track down whether he said it, or how he said it. But Harry Truman was supposed to have been known for giving them hell. “Give ’em hell, Harry!” a supporter yelled. Did it happen? Well, Wikipedia says it did. And the idea that he responded, “I don’t […]

The Wheels on the Horse Go ‘Round and ‘Round: The Council Passes MHA

I suppose I should have been emotionally prepared for the final passage of the City’s version of Mandatory Inclusionary Zoning, something they call Mandatory Housing Affordability (MHA). It is sad. But it’s passage seems like nothing more than reading the final punctuation on a municipal suicide note after the deed has been done; there is not much […]

MHA on the Radio: The Last Debate on the Biggest Boondoggle

I mentioned last week that I had recorded what was really the last debate on the City’s plan to impose Mandatory Inclusionary Zoning (MIZ), a scheme that charges each new square foot of new housing a tax of as much as $30 a square foot and then takes that money and gives it to non-profits […]