Showbox: A Case Study in Confusion and Misdirection on Growth

A recent story about Seattle’s latest incoherent response to growth and housing policy starts out, “Emotions have been running high in Seattle over the Showbox..” True. Emotions and not much else. The story in Curbed reports on the failure in court by the City of Seattle to defend it’s efforts to zone the location of […]

Public Disclosure: “More Dangerous” Ideas Create Concern Among LIHTC Lawyers

As I have mentioned before, one has to brace oneself when doing public disclosure requests; to borrow from Forrest Gump, public disclosure requests are like a box of chocolates, you just never know what you might find. Here’s an example from another Forrest, Forrest Midler an attorney at Nixon Peabody a firm that does a […]

Document Disclosure Drama: “Engaging its author is a trap and futile.”

Have you seen those weird ads saying, “Enter your name into this site and hold your breath!” Or whatever. The idea is that by searching for your own name on the internet your deepest and most horrible secrets or those of others might come out. Welcome to the public disclosure request. The PDR as it […]