Fear, Loathing, and Confusion Persist About Mandatory Inclusionary Zoning

Last week the Puget Sound Business Journal ran a story called “Ahead of HALA: Fear and loathing among small real estate developers.” The story is locked behind a pay wall, but here’s a key paragraph: HALA is built on the idea that even with the added fees, the MHA program is worth it since developers […]

Reportgate: I Regret Any Confusion, But I Stand by The Facts

Reportgate. It’s a thing. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, good. If you do I am truly sorry. As in many things in life, if I had it to do all over again I would have written my original post about the missing report by McKinsey and Company that some Councilmembers said meant we […]

Long Days Journey Into the McKinsey “Report”

I have a more exhaustive post about the push back from supporters of the tax on jobs and why I stand by my original post that there was no report when a report was being cited by Councilmember Gonzalez and the press. I understand the efforts by people and institutions to defend themselves. But as […]