Conclusion: Creating Housing Affordability: Fixing Seattle to Solve a Global Crisis

Mark Routon is an experienced real estate broker and a student at Seattle Central College. He passionately believes that stable and affordable housing is a crucial need that must be met in order for any community to flourish. Last quarter, Mark was tasked with writing a research paper for his English class, and he took […]

Part 2: Creating Housing Affordability: Fixing Seattle to Solve a Global Crisis

Mark Routon is an experienced real estate broker and a student at Seattle Central College. He passionately believes that stable and affordable housing is a crucial need that must be met in order for any community to flourish. Last quarter, Mark was tasked with writing a research paper for his English class, and he took […]

Creating Housing Affordability: Fixing Seattle to Solve a Global Crisis

 5:30am. A tired hand, freshly jolted from a dream, fumbles around for the off switch to the screaming alarm clock. A young woman, two years removed from her college graduation, rolls out from under the covers into a world still hidden from the light of the morning sun. Though work doesn’t start until 8:00, she […]