Is the Seattle Eviction Ban Only the Beginning?

A week from Today 11 states will be voting in Democratic primaries, something called Super Tuesday. As of now, it looks like socialist Bernie Sanders is going to pile on to his previous win in Nevada. It looks like he may be on his way to gaining the Democratic party’s nomination. Some polls even show Sanders ahead against President Donald Trump in a general election showdown. People in the Democratic party are worried. Will Sanders do to the Democratic party what Trump did to the Republican party. Most importantly what does it mean for you?

I’m making another warning: If things keep going the way they are, this November is going to be a high stakes election. It will pit Donald Trump — an unpredictable and undisciplined President — against an avowed socialist Bernie Sanders. Many people reading this don’t like Trump and don’t want to vote for him. But a socialist?

Here’s what the editor of Jacobin magazine said in a recent article in Salon headlined, “Why Bernie Sanders is just the beginning of an American turn to the left:”

We must erode the power of the capitalist class. We can accomplish that by, for example, imposing capital controls—measures that stop the free movement of capital in response to changing social and economic conditions. But to pass economic reforms as significant as these, we can’t just agitate in the streets, as important as that is. We have to be in power (emphasis mine).

Editors of Jacobin Magazine

What sorts of capital controls? Housing is sure to be a target. Former Seattle City Councilmember Nick Licata wrote glowingly about the winter eviction ban in Seattle in a blog post subtitled, “The groundwork was laid down through citizen involvement in local government — it can happen anywhere

Seattle’s eviction legislation may seem like a something that could only happen in Seattle. However, it could be adopted in other cities if they develop government portals to involve direct citizen participation in policy issues and have elected officials who can be organizational leaders. Progressive solutions are not arrived at spontaneously, it takes a road map to reach them.

Nick Licata

It’s all right there in plain site. What’s the plan? Imposing controls on how you manage your private rental property. And the road map? Follow Seattle’s example and ban eviction.

I wish I was making this stuff up. As I keep saying, what’s next is up to you. Help defend your ability to provide housing and manage your property or face the coming onslaught. We’re doing what we can. But we need your help. Please contribute today to our efforts on rent control, eviction, and housing policy.

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