An Election and a Story About Growth in Seattle

I was glad to be part of a sweeping story about growth and its opponents in the Seattle Weekly which has been on news stands since last Tuesday. The author gets the narrative right, one that I’ve been explaining to people who ask, “how did we get all this opposition to growth?” The truth is that […]

Seattle Times Right and Wrong on Grand Bargain

The Seattle Times weighed in yesterday on the passage earlier in the week of key legislation that starts the City down the road of mandatory inclusionary zoning through the much hyped Grand Bargain. We’ve pointed out that, so far, the math isn’t working: the mandatory upzones proposed for neighborhood builders will cost more than the rent revenue […]

Election 2015: It Was Good, but Not That Good

Already we’re seeing lots of things being read into this weeks election with Knute Berger suggesting that it means Seattle has moved even further to the left and the Seattle Times suggesting that “Urbanists” (whoever they are) won the election. For people who produce housing in Seattle, the election is a lot like taking a […]