Surprise! People Get Housing Supply and Demand at City Hall

There are times in meetings when someone says something that makes your jaw drop open. This week that happened to me. While in a meeting about a complex issue about how Seattle City Light gets service to properties that are being divided up into more than one parcel. It’s a complicated issue involving the City’s […]

Design Review: Room for Improvement 

Last night I attended the first of two community meetings hosted by the City of Seattle’s Department of Planning and Development (DPD) on proposed improvements to the Design Review process. Many people, both developers and neighborhoods, are not happy with Design Review. Builders often feel like the process is expensive with very little benefit and […]

Council Bargains Away Housing in Mixed Low-Rise Vote

The stage was set: Which Councilmembers would appear to support or oppose Councilmember Tom Rasmussen’s terrible amendments to already not-so-great low-rise legislation? By the time deliberations began on his 8 amendments, 7 Councilmembers were present a the Planning Land Use and Sustainability (PLUS) Committee. As we’ve pointed out, the legislation went from bad, to better, […]