Keep Microhousing Prices Low and Fix Design Review

We’ve been engaging the Council and opponents of microhousing for almost a year now and there is still strong support for microhousing as an important choice for people looking for a place to live in Seattle. But the efforts of opponents to scuttle microhousing continue and some on the City Council feel like they need […]

Kevin Lynch Interview: “Everything gets changed.”

I was doing a search that I sometimes do on Google, “Kevin Lynch video,” and the internet responded, for the first time, with a hit. The planner, writer, and thinker about cities is a hero of mine. I’ve written about him often and his influence on me and on the planning profession and practice in […]

Want To Help Preserve Existing Low-Cost Housing? Build Density.

When change occurs as rapidly as it has been in Seattle, misplaced blame runs rampant. And one of the most egregious examples is the contention that the construction of new housing is the cause of declining affordability—case in point, a coalition of Seattle neighborhood groups is currently advocating for a moratorium on new housing construction. […]