I Can’t Imagine . . . The Seattle City Council Making Good Housing Policy

I call it the, “I can’t imagine . . . “ movement, an effort now being taken up by Councilmember Lisa Herbold to preserve what she’s calling “Legacy Businesses,” which have, as is usual with these sorts of things, been defined only vaguely and with anecdotes. According to her website, Councilmember Herbold has been accumulating […]

Foreign Investor Menace? No, Just Build More Housing!

There is a scary story being told around campfires and coffee shops about shadowy foreign investors, mainly from China, who are buying up all the housing in Seattle and Vancouver, B.C. and then leaving the housing vacant. This, the story goes, is why rents have been going up. As the problem spreads local media and even […]

Abutting Lot Decision: What Would an 82.02.020 Challenge to MIZ Look Like?

I’m not a judge and I don’t even play one on tee vee, but if I was a Judge asked to deliver a summary judgement on the legality of the City’s Mandatory Inclusionary Zoning (MIZ) program, what they call Mandatory Housing Affordability (MHA), what would I find and how would I rule? What kind of […]