Real Change and John V. Fox: Council is Making it Worse

What is the sure sign that something unusual is happening in politics? When unlikely people start to agree on things that really matter to them. Public opinion is coalescing against the Seattle City Council’s iterative, glitchstep, overly cautious, and insular approach to housing policy. Real Change, a publication unalterably committed to doing the right thing […]

Video: Will They Keep Making it Worse?

Today Smart Growth Seattle begins a banner ad and pre-roll ad campaign to highlight what the Seattle City Council has been doing and not doing to increase the supply and choice of housing in the city. You can see the full video above, and you can sign the petition on the petition page. Our intention […]

Time for a Plan to Increase Housing Supply

It seems these days that almost everyone has a petition; whether it is the minimum wage, issues related to health insurance, or even one urging that USA Team goalie Tim Howard be appointed Secretary of Defense, you almost can’t go a day on the internet without being asked to sign on to something. What about […]