Comp Planning: All of the Above!

Let me start by saying that regional planning and planning for future growth is a serious business and it isn’t easy. The City of Seattle is currently starting a long public process around where future growth–which really means more people–should go. They have three options: Alternative 1: Urban Center Focus Most growth would be encouraged […]

The Rents They Are a Changing

The politics of housing in Seattle are all about prices, especially monthly rents. One side of the debate argues that if we create more housing options and choices in housing location and type, we’d get better places to live and stable or lowered prices. The other side of the argument holds that when we build […]

Keep Microhousing Prices Low and Fix Design Review

We’ve been engaging the Council and opponents of microhousing for almost a year now and there is still strong support for microhousing as an important choice for people looking for a place to live in Seattle. But the efforts of opponents to scuttle microhousing continue and some on the City Council feel like they need […]