Microhousing Gets a Break:O’Brien to Convene Stakeholders

More details will emerge soon, but the good news is that the microhousing legislation proposed by the Department of Planning and Development (DPD) is on hold. Instead, Councilmember Mike O’Brien is going to convene a group of stakeholders to work toward codifying microhousing. O’Brien is showing real leadership here and it won’t be easy. Our […]

Ready to Work on Microhousing Legislation

Here is our extensive response to proposed microhousing legislation. The bottom line is that if the legislation passes in its current form, the people who want to see microhousing end will likely have won. The myriad of requirements together with design review will essentially incentivize building fewer, larger apartments which will cost more. Building microhousing […]

The Kitchen Sink:Micromanaging Microhousing

Here is the public comments I gave tonight at the Seattle City Council’s hearing on microhousing. I also added the point that design review will increase rents by as much as $100 per month. According to the comprehensive plan the City of Seattle expects 120,000 new residents and 115,000 new jobs by 2035. The Puget […]