Martha Rose on Micros: Let’s Overcome Fear of Change

The following is an e-mail that was sent to Seattle City Council President Tim Burgess encouraging that the Council take a different approach to microhousing legislation. We need many more of these kinds of messages to get to Council as they consider legislation this week and next.  Dear Mr Burgess, I have lived in Seattle […]

Microhousing Index: Micros by the Numbers

The Microhousing Index is an homage to Harper’s Index which for years has told an often satirical story using only data points. The story the numbers tell is clear: the proposed changes in Councilmember O’Brien’s legislation will mean fewer (if any) microhousing options that will be more expensive. Tell the City Council (e-mail Councilmember Mike […]

Low-Rise Appeal: Smart Growth Seattle:1, DPD: 0

Smart Growth Seattle, called a “creature of the internet” by the Department of Planning and Development(DPD), has successfully fought DPD’s attempt to dismiss our appeal of a proposed downzone of Seattle’s low-rise zones. Now, our appeal can go forward and will be heard. Our goal, and the reason why we filed the appeal, is to […]