Surprise! Rental Inspection Program Isn’t Working

The Stranger and others have raised more hue and cry about the City’s failing Rental Registration and Inspection Ordinance (RRIO) is, as we pointed out a year ago, failing. The pattern has been consistent: both the press, tenant activists, and Councilmember Sawant and her colleagues that blindly follow her on Council pass legislation and write […]

South Lake Union: If You Want Good Design, Just Add People

Sometimes I feel like I’ve been writing the same blog post over and over again for the last 10 years, and you probably feel like you’ve been reading the same post for a decade too. What’s confounding about my work and writing over the years is the degree to which very little has changed except […]

Councilmember Johnson’s ‘Mission Accomplished’ Moment

You might remember George Bush’s big moment Mission Accomplished moment when, in 2003, he landed on the deck of an aircraft carrier and declared that, “Major combat operations in Iraq have ended. In the battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed,” in front of a huge banner reading, “Mission Accomplished.” Of […]