Seattle Times: Fewer Rules, More Housing

Affordability is a relationship to price, a relationship that is conditioned by a person’s income and expenses. This dependence on income and expenses is just as true for food as it is for housing and other of life’s essentials; the less money we earn, the more money we spend, the more expensive and less affordable […]

This is Where I Live: What’s Not to Love?

This is the latest in a series of guest posts by people who live in small-lot homes or microhousing telling their own stories about where they live. You live in a home that  some people say shouldn’t have been built. How do you feel about people that don’t like your house and where you live? […]

Other People’s Housing: Seattle’s Debate Continues

Deciding where to live is a decision that each of us has had to make at one point in our lives. Should we live in a house or an apartment? What part of town should we live in? Do we want a yard or not? Our choices are often limited by our income and our […]