Good News! Rob Johnson is New Land Use Chair

Earlier this year we took a look at the candidates for City Council and found the field lacking with a couple exceptions. One of those bright spots was Rob Johnson who won his campaign for the District 4 spot. Sadly, another candidate that seemed to understand builder and housing issues, Shannon Braddock, lost to long time Nick Licata aid Lisa Herbold in a squeaker of a race. The next big question was who would hold key committee assignments. The Committee that will play the biggest role in the housing discussion over the next year is the Planning, Land Use, and Sustainability (PLUS) Committee. New Councilmember Rob Johnson will chair that committee which will still include Councilmember Mike O’Brien and will add new Councilmember Herbold. Taking the alternate spot is Lorena Gonzalez.

The fact that Johnson is chair is a very good thing. However, the membership of the PLUS could not be described as overly sympathetic to builders and developers. In fact, it’s Councilmember O’Brien that has done more damage to the local housing economy than any one person I can think of. Also, as we’ve seen in big votes related to housing, any Councilmember can show up and cast a vote. Johnson can control the rhythm of the committee, what comes up for a vote, and other aspects of work done by the committee staff. His chairmanship is a hopeful sign (Publicola calls it a “huge win“), but we’re still up against some Councilmembers who will need some education on our issues to say the least. Johnson will still have to deal with the rest of the Councilmembers outside of the PLUS Committee too when trying to pass positive legislation, something Councilmember O’Brien was unable to do.

Below I’ve pasted the text from the Seattle City Council’s press release and after that full Committee rosters and meeting times.

Councilmember Sally Bagshaw will chair the Human Services and Public Health Committee. Councilmember Bagshaw will oversee Council’s work on issues relating to services provided by the Human Services Department, including programs that meet the basic needs of the most vulnerable people in our community. The committee will also consider matters involving public health and Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD), which allows law enforcement officers to redirect low-level offenders engaged in drug or prostitution activity to community-based services.

Councilmember Tim Burgess will chair the Affordable Housing, Neighborhoods and Finance Committee. As chair of this committee, Councilmember Burgess will focus on issues relating to housing-investing and promoting the development and preservation of affordable housing, and building strong neighborhoods through outreach and engagement. Councilmember Burgess will also chair the Budget committee, overseeing the review of the Mayor’s proposed budget.

Councilmember Lorena González will chair the Gender Equity, Safe Communities and New Americans Committee. As chair, Councilmember González will consider policies to address gender equity and help improve the lives of Seattle’s immigrant and refugee residents.  The committee will also focus on fostering safe communities, improving police accountability, crime prevention, criminal justice, emergency preparedness, and fire and medical services.

Councilmember Bruce Harrell will chair the Education, Equity and Governance Committee. As chair, Councilmember Harrell will focus on issues relating to public schools and improving student success rates, intergovernmental relations, technology, ethics and elections, prisoner reentry and equity issues for underserved communities.

Councilmember Lisa Herbold will chair the Civil Rights, Utilities, Economic Development and Arts Committee. Councilmember Herbold’s committee will manage issues relating to labor standards, civil rights, Seattle Public Utilities, and economic development. The committee will also manage issues relating to arts and culture in Seattle, which includes nightlife issues.

Councilmember Rob Johnson will chair the Planning, Land Use and Zoning Committee. As chair of this committee, Councilmember Johnson will take up issues involving City zoning, planning, major institutions, quasi-judicial decisions, community development, and land use regulations.

Councilmember Debora Juarez will chair the Parks, Seattle Center, Libraries and Waterfront Committee. As chair, Councilmember Juarez will focus on issues relating to City parks, community centers, and public grounds, including the Seattle Center.  Her committee will also manage legislation relating to the Seattle Public Library system.  Councilmember Juarez will also chair the Central Waterfront committee.

Councilmember Mike O’Brien will chair the Sustainability and Transportation Committee. Councilmember O’Brien’s committee will handle matters pertaining to city-wide and regional transportation policy and planning. These issues range from pedestrian and bicycle programs, traffic control and parking policies, and overseeing the City’s coordination with regional and state departments of transportation. The committee will also have a shared-focus on Seattle’s Climate Action Plan to reduce carbon emissions.

Councilmember Kshama Sawant will chair the Energy and Environment Committee. Councilmember Sawant’s committee will handle policies relating to Seattle’s energy usage, as well as issues relating to alternative energy sources, air pollution regulation, energy utility rates, and Seattle City Light finances. In addition, Councilmember Sawant will take up matters that relate to climate and environmental protections, conservation programs, and green infrastructure.


Standing Committee Committee Members Committee Meeting Days and Times
Affordable Housing, Neighborhoods & Finance Chair:  Tim Burgess
Vice-Chair:  Lisa Herbold
Member:  Rob Johnson
Alternate:  Mike O’Brien
1st and 3rd Wednesdays
9:30 a.m.
Civil Rights, Utilities, Economic Development & Arts Chair:  Lisa Herbold
Vice-Chair:  Kshama Sawant
Member:  Mike O’Brien
Alternate:  Bruce Harrell
2nd and 4th Tuesdays
9:30 a.m.
Education, Equity & Governance Chair:  Bruce A. Harrell
Vice-Chair:  Lorena González
Member:  Debora Juarez
Alternate:  Tim Burgess
1st and 3rd Wednesdays
2:00 p.m.
Energy & Environment Chair:  Kshama Sawant
Vice-Chair:  Debora Juarez
Member:  Lorena González
Alternate:  Sally Bagshaw
2nd and 4th Tuesdays
2:00 p.m.
Gender Equity, Safe Communities & New Americans Chair:  Lorena González
Vice-Chair:  Tim Burgess
Member:  Sally Bagshaw
Alternate:  Debora Juarez
2nd and 4th Wednesdays
9:30 a.m.
Human Services & Public Health Chair:  Sally Bagshaw
Vice-Chair:  Bruce Harrell
Member:  Tim Burgess
Alternate:  Rob Johnson
2nd and 4th Wednesdays
2:00 p.m.
Parks, Seattle Center, Libraries & Waterfront Chair:  Debora Juarez
Vice-Chair:  Sally Bagshaw
Member:  Bruce Harrell
Alternate:  Kshama Sawant
1st and 3rd Thursdays
9:30 a.m.
Planning, Land Use & Zoning Chair:  Rob Johnson
Vice-Chair:  Mike O’Brien
Member:  Lisa Herbold
Alternate:  Lorena González
1st and 3rd Tuesdays
9:30 a.m.
Sustainability & Transportation Chair:  Mike O’Brien
Vice-Chair:  Rob Johnson
Member:  Kshama Sawant
Alternate:  Lisa Herbold
1st and 3rd Tuesdays 2:00 p.m.


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