Take 5 Minutes to Save Thousands of Housing Units

It’s been a long a winding road for low-rise legislation being considered by Council. You can read all about it in my post about why we appealed the original efforts to clamp down on housing supply in the low-rise zones. But it is coming down to the final weeks before Council acts on a new version of the legislation. This version is far better, but it still isn’t very good. You can read more about why in my post that includes the letter we sent to Council regarding the legislation. If that wasn’t worrisome enough, angry neighbors are wanting to put all the bad stuff back that was in the original legislation.

But you can help in 5 minutes or less: please sign onto the letter linked below. Click on the link that will take you to our petition page. You can adjust the text or just sign it. It will automatically go to all 9 Councilmembers. I know many of you can’t make a day time meeting on Tuesday, June 16th at 2:00PM at City Hall when this legislation will be considered. But I know you can send an e-mail. This is the time to jump in.


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