High Costs Mean High Prices: Cost and Delay List Keeps Growing

The list of costs and delays to housing production in Seattle that I have been curating has grown to over 40 items. Each of these has it’s own stories. I am exploring how we can use Smartsheet to make the list accessible to builders and developers so they can add, elaborate, correct, and, I hope, add narratives to the list. Our people have many stories of the absurdity and frustration associated with housing and land use regulation in Seattle. These self-imposed problems and costs simply make prices higher and life harder for people with less money to spend on housing. I should add that while we’re not suggesting the abolition of sales tax and property tax, they need to be considered part of this list. Every increase, even for really good things, means higher housing prices. Maybe it’s worth it. Maybe all these things are worth higher housing prices, but that’s the debate we should have, not one about whether Amazon and growth is ruining the city.

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