Register Today for 2015 Housing Summit

This is a reminder about next month’s housing summit. We really would benefit from having lots of builders from Seattle attend, especially at this time when our city is the focus of a great deal of attention around the region. Will Seattle grow sensibly? Will we continue to have a housing market in Seattle, or […]

Seattle Times: Dumb Growth Seattle?

At the Seattle Times yesterday columnist Jon Talton posted a very simple poll question. Is Seattle growing too fast, dumb, or just right? I answered “Just right” almost reflexively because I know that there is a lot behind the ideas of growth being “too fast” or “too dumb.” Obviously, we’re growth champions. But when I […]

Yobi Apartments: What Microhousing Could Have Been

It’s been almost a year since the Planning, Land Use, and Sustainability (PLUS) Committee under the leadership of Councilmember Mike O’Brien outlawed microhousing in Seattle. I can still remember Councilmember Burgess chiding the audience that the legislation passed would have no effect on the production of microhousing, even as a letter was arriving from the […]