Winning Principles for Housing for the 2019 Legislative Session

As the legislative session winds down in Olympia, it isn’t too soon to start thinking about next year’s session. This year I think we did a pretty good job during the legislative session, defending the state’s preemption of local rent control measures, championing rural and urban collaboration with SB 6595, and forcing the non-profit industrial […]

High Costs Mean High Prices: Cost and Delay List Keeps Growing

The list of costs and delays to housing production in Seattle that I have been curating has grown to over 40 items. Each of these has it’s own stories. I am exploring how we can use Smartsheet to make the list accessible to builders and developers so they can add, elaborate, correct, and, I hope, […]

List of Costs and Delays to Housing Production Keeps Growing

It’s been a task that I have been wanting to undertake for some time: putting all the snags and costs and incremental regulatory hang ups that, together, are making increasingly difficult to deliver housing to the market. I’m still working on the costs figures for each of these. It’s not easy always to estimate or […]