Seattle Times: Mayor Murray Overstates Benefits of Mandatory Inclusionary Scheme

On the eve of Mayor Murray’s big press conference (today at Beacon Hill’s light rail station at 11AM) on his Mandatory Inclusionary Zoning (MIZ) scheme, Daniel Beekman at the Seattle Times has finally written a story blowing the lid off the confusing and somewhat sorted reality of the much touted and hailed Grand Bargain. It’s […]

Correspondence: Reflections on the Revolution in Ballard

Remember writing letters? Well, now we have e-mails, and I am sharing an earnest and relevant e-mail exchange I recently had with a single-family neighbor from Ballard expressing concern about the Mayor’s Housing Affordability and Livability Agenda (HALA) Committee recommendations and whether his family will stay in the city. It’s no Reflections on the Revolution in France. […]

Tracking HALA: Use Vouchers to Help House People with Criminal Records

We’ve started a tracking program to keep an eye on progress on the 65 recommendations of the Mayor’s Housing Affordability and Livability Agenda (HALA) Committee. There are a lot of good ideas and good intentions in the document that aren’t being discussed now because so much of the discussion is about the Grand Bargain, just […]