Message Matters: What Do You Do?

It happens to everyone when you’re out and about, the question, “What do you do?” It is true for organizations too. The answer is important and has to be succinct; people don’t want a paragraph but a sentence, even two words. I am always refining how I explain our work and what we do. Over […]

From a Builder: Forced Into a Corner

A few years ago I got a call (as I often do) from a housing builder who had some issues with his project. We talked through them then and he kept going. More than three years later he got in touch to let me know the project is done and leased up. But think about […]

Does Senator Pedersen Support or Oppose Rent Control in Seattle?

If I were a political consultant here’s the answer I’d advise a Seattle politician to give on the question of rent control if they wanted to win election and preserve some of their intellectual integrity on rent control: “I oppose rent control on the basis that it simply doesn’t work to lower prices for rental […]