Gotta get down to it: Ohio Ready to Stand Up to Eviction “Crisis”

Last Tuesday I presented to the Ohio Realtors’ Legislative Conference in Columbus, Ohio. I learned a lot about Ohio including that they still have Republicans there. The state truly is a crossroads, with big cities that lean more Democratic and lots of rural areas that lean Republican. But Democrats in Ohio are often of the […]

Seattle Isn’t Dying Yet, But The Latest Debate Might Kill It

I’ve written a post at Forbes that seems to have gained some attention. It’s hard not to get attention about the KOMO program called Seattle is Dying. Everyone is talking about it. And I’ve given my caution about what conclusions to draw about the report. My latest post is taking a look at the two […]

Oregon and Rent Control: Frequently Asked Questions and Some Answers

Rent control is not going away. Oregon’s new law has sparked a lot of questions about whether it would work here. The Seattle Weekly posted an article last week about Oregon’s law asking, Would rent control work in Washington? If “working” means creating higher prices and more uncertainty in the housing market, sure, it will […]