Just What We Need…..More Housing!

There’s not much to say here other than to show you some pictures. I took the first two walking home.

Is this an affirmation? Or is it just dripping with sarcasm? I think it’s pretty obvious. And just down the street was this:

Ok. Capitalism, I reject you!

And then there is this, an advertisement that popped up in a news story about the G7 conference.


This apartment is giving away a free month of rent.

I leave it to you to decide what to make of these images. What we do need is more housing. As for capitalism, it is, I’m sorry to break it to people, an ideology but a fact of life. People want more than they have. That drives innovation, speculation, and, yes, more housing development. That’s how you get an offer like, “One Month Free!” If we truly believe that price is the problem then we’d be happy, not sarcastic, when we saw new apartments coming. Maybe it’s “oversimplifying” as someone said recently to suggest that more is better. I don’t think so. It really is that simple. More means lower prices. It’s just what we need!

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