Dupree + Scott: Rent Increases Down, Operating Costs Go Up

Both Mike Scott, one of the region’s best experts on rental housing prices, and I often share a frustration about how rent increases and decreases get reported. Usually, when rents go up over a short period of time, the headlines blare about “skyrocketing” rents on the front page. When they go down, or flatten, that […]

Tower Separation Anxiety

Councilmember Sally Bagshaw last week sent a letter to Mayor Murray asking him to direct the Department of Planning and Development to undertake a tower spacing scheme for downtown similar to the program implemented in South Lake Union. What tower spacing does is mandate allowing only one residential tower per block. This is a recipe […]

David Neiman: A Smart and Fair Approach to MFTE

The MFTE program is a vitally important tool that leverages market rate development participation in the effort to increase the supply of affordable housing units in Seattle. Over the last couple years, the city has struggled to incorporate small unit development into the program. City policy has been at turns overly permissive and punitive, with […]