Will Grand Bargain Jeopardize Murray’s Reelection?

In the first half of last year we conducted a poll of perfect voters ahead of the election in the fall. We wanted to get a sense of what voters were thinking about population growth and the change and new housing associated with more people coming to Seattle for jobs and to start new businesses. […]

Can Public Housing be an Alternative to the Grand Bargain?

I watched a video of an excellent lecture called, “The Death of Public Housing” given by Professor Edward Getz given at the University of Washington School of Urban Studies in Tacoma. Professor Goetz is highly critical of the move away from publically built, owned, and operated housing in the United States. In his new book, […]

Does Mandatory Inclusionary Housing Work?

I’ve been obsessed (as one Facebook commenter said) with trying to disentangle the recommendations of the HALA Committee from the Grand Bargain. The ideas in HALA are not dependent on the Grand Bargain’s mandatory inclusionary zoning scheme. And it is crucial as the Mandatory Inclusionary Housing requirements are discussed that everyone think the proposal all […]