Seattle Times’ Self Parody and Learning to Tell a Better Story 

There are some stories that write or tell themselves. Think of the story of Goldylocks and the three bears, or Little Red Riding Hood. Then there’s the one about how Seattle is suffering under the great strain and burden of new people coming here. Same old story, same protagonists and antagonists, and the same outcome: […]

Folkenomics: McArdle Takes Down Bernie Sander’s Economics

I’ve heard it and seen it over and over on Facebook and in person and on the streets: we should just cut people loose of their student loan debt or their mortgage debt because it’s the right thing to do. One thing progressives and socialists are fond of doing is lashing out at The Banks […]

Year of the City Builder? We Are Getting Closer to Changing the Story

We set out at the beginning of this year calling it the Year of the City Builder, a year in which we’d see a noticeable shift in anti-developer sentiment. While we made an effort and a difference, the narrative in Seattle remained hostile to the building and development community. Part of that was losing a […]