Panel: The Future of Innovation in Seattle

What happens when a neighborhood like Pioneer Square or South Like Union turns into a thriving center for tech? How, exactly, does that happen? Knowing that we are growing, what kind of community do we want to become? And frankly, what does technology and innovation have to do with making Seattle a great place to live and […]

Rent Hyperbole Reaches Portland; Will They Make Seattle’s Mistakes?

Good news and bad news out of Portland; the bad news is that media hype around skyrocketing rents is moving right along just like it is in Seattle. The good news is that Portland is putting its attention on an incentive based, tax exemption program, borrowed by Seattle, to create more affordable units. Here’s the […]

We’re #32!: Seattle Data Doesn’t Warrant Rent Panic

I pointed out yesterday in my post about the Seattle Way that here in Seattle we haven’t been very smart about housing policy. That’s mostly because we rely on data that has no relationship to the housing market place or the way people actually build, finance, and buy housing products. If we look at data […]