Trends to Watch in 2017: An Upsurge of Identity Politics

Something to watch unfold this year in Seattle as we try to work on the housing shortage which is leading to higher prices, is an upsurge of identity politics associated with housing. As a person of color (or POC as we’re called) I am concerned about the growing role that race is taking in our […]

Hide and Seek: City’s Consultant Warns Don’t Interpret Residual Land Value “Literally”

The City has stubbornly resisted telling anyone how they intend to implement their version of Mandatory Inclusionary Zoning (MIZ), something they call Mandatory Housing Affordability – Residential (MHA). Some of the furtiveness comes from the fact that City staff are truly making stuff up as they go using guesses and back of the envelope assessments. […]

Has Seattle Reached its Emotional Limit on Growth?

Danny Wesneat has a mixed record on writing about growth in Seattle. His most recent column, “Seattle’s latest growth industry: bemoaning what’s been lost,” has the following paragraph: But I do wonder: When we’ve taken to memorializing even the loss of our grocery stores, maybe the pace of change has pushed us to some sort […]