HALA Needs Neighborhood Development Managers to Survive

Here’s a Facebook exchange over at City Builders about my last post about neighborhood process and the recommendations of the Mayor’s Housing Affordability and Livability Agenda (HALA) Committee in which I pointed out that the HALA Committee WAS the public process for future upzones that will create affordable housing: Michael Taylor-Judd NO, the process was NOT […]

Every Home Matters 

About a week ago I saw the car in the featured picture above parked feet from my apartment. It was an incredibly frustrating find because it was so clear what was going on here: this is somebody’s home, and some Parking Enforcement Officer (PEO) slapped a boot on it because it was illegally parked and […]

Upzoning Seattle’s Comfort Zone 

I have a guest editorial at Publicola that builds on some of my other commentary on how zoning in Seattle tends to reinforce segregation of people and family by race and class. I think the post is a bit challenging because it keeps pushing the wedge between the crowd in Seattle that tends to be […]