Council Passes Low-Rise Legislation 

After almost two years of heated debate the Seattle City Council passed low-rise legislation in less than an hour with no debate. One highlight were a bizarre statement by outgoing (we’re counting the days!) Councilmember Rasmussen who voted against the legislation he helped make worse by expanding the rounding rule to all zones, adding setbacks […]

Neighborhood Planning: Sunshine, Lollipops, and Rainbows!

Back in the old days when I worked for the Department of Neighborhoods (yes, it’s true!) as a Neighborhood Development Manager implementing 8 neighborhood plans, I had a very simple rule when it came to working with neighborhoods: never say the word, “no.” My rule was that all things are possible with enough thought, planning, […]

Density is People

Every once in awhile I get writers block; what else is there to say about growth? It’s pretty simple, we are a growing city and we need more housing. Let’s get moving on increasing housing supply, choice and opportunity. How many different ways can we say that? Then sometimes I read someone else write something […]