Neighborhood Activists Gather this Weekend

Neighbors gathering together to ponder the future of the city should be a good thing. After all, some of the greatest leaps in welcoming growth happened in the 1990s through neighborhood planning. This weekend neighbors will gather on Saturday, June 27 from 9 am to 12:30 pm for something called The Phoenix Project: Reviving Seattle’s […]

Facebook: Toward an Honest Understanding Real Estate Financing, Linkage, and Land Value

Unfortunately there has been a campaign by people calling themselves “urbanists” who are trying to both be in favor of density, not supportive of NIMBYs, and advocates of linkage tax, a scheme that won’t help density and truly is about squashing growth. Dan Bertolet has essentially demolished the foundation of their argument (undertaken more for […]

Low-Rise Battle: Filling the Missing Middle

I’ve written before about the importance of figuring out how to build more density into and around single-family and low-rise neighborhoods. For example, we talked about courtyard housing as a way to create more density and affordability. There’s a great term for this need: the missing middle. And there is a great website called the Missing […]