Microhousing: The Mayor is Listening

Yesterday Seattle Mayor Ed Murray responded to the idea that the City Council’s efforts to regulate microhousing will just make it more expensive. Contrary to Councilmember Burgess’ Orwellian statement that the amendments wouldn’t reduce housing choice, the proposal would add deal killing regulations that would mean fewer units and higher prices. Will the Mayor veto […]

Microhousing: A little empirical data and some perspective

David Neiman has been a guest writer here and a voice of sanity on small-lot legislation and microhousing. Neiman is no bomb thrower, and he has a great reputation at City Hall as a reasonable voice for growth but also for the importance of design. He usually wins me over when I suggest that we should get rid […]

Microhousing: What Happened to the Guiding Principles

At the outset of the City’s effort to understand and regulate microhousing here’s what they said were going to be their guiding principles: Guiding Principles Below are the guiding principles we’ve used to develop these recommendations. The principles respond to citizen expressed concerns, as well as consistency with broader policies in the Mayor’s Housing Strategy, […]